I wrote a short story called “Googly Eyes” that was just published in 101 Words. It’s my first published story. I want to thank Shoshauna, an editor with 101 Words, for working with me on improving “Googly Eyes” and getting it ready for publication.
Though my focus is on science fiction and fantasy, “Googly Eyes” is neither. In fact, it’s not a story I planned to write. It originated in a dream I had one night. I found myself in a pediatric cancer ward talking with a group of patients when a young boy raised his hand and said something endearing about googly eyes. I woke up soon after that, opened my laptop, and typed what the boy had said verbatim into a blank document. I immediately thought of 101 Words and wrote a 101-word story around that quote from my dream. I submitted it later that day.
Please take a few moments to read it (it’s very short, after all), and feel free to leave a comment on the story.